libwebp v0.3.0
- 3/20/13: version 0.3.0
  This is a binary compatible release.
  * WebPINewRGB/WebPINewYUVA accept being passed a NULL output buffer
    and will perform auto-allocation.
  * default filter option is now '-strong -f 60'
  * encoding speed-up for lossy methods 3 to 6
  * alpha encoding can be done in parallel to lossy using 'cwebp -mt ...'
  * color profile, metadata (XMP/EXIF) and animation support finalized in the
  * various NEON assembly additions
  Tool updates / additions:
    * gif2webp added
    * vwebp given color profile & animation support
    * cwebp can preserve color profile / metadata with '-metadata'
This tag has no release notes.