Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
This project is mirrored from https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp. Pull mirroring updated .
  • v1.0.3
    0fe1a89d · update ChangeLog ·
    - 7/4/2019: version 1.0.3
      This is a binary compatible release.
      * resize fixes for Nx1 sizes and the addition of non-opaque alpha values for
        odd sizes (issues #418, #434)
      * lossless encode/decode performance improvements
      * lossy compression performance improvement at low quality levels with flat
        content (issue #432)
      * python swig files updated to support python 3
      Tool updates:
        vwebp will now preserve the aspect ratio of images that exceed monitor
        resolution by scaling the image to fit (issue #433)
  • v1.0.3-rc1
    0fe1a89d · update ChangeLog ·
  • v1.0.2
    2b98df90 · update ChangeLog ·
    - 1/14/2019: version 1.0.2
      This is a binary compatible release.
      * (Windows) unicode file support in the tools (linux and mac already had
        support, issue #398)
      * lossless encoder speedups
      * lossy encoder speedup on ARM
      * lossless multi-threaded security fix (chromium:917029)
  • v1.0.2-rc1
    2b98df90 · update ChangeLog ·
  • v1.0.1
    e85d3313 · update ChangeLog ·
    - 11/2/2018: version 1.0.1
      This is a binary compatible release.
      * lossless encoder speedups
      * big-endian fix for alpha decoding (issue #393)
      * gif2webp fix for loop count=65535 transcode (issue #382)
      * further security related hardening in libwebp & libwebpmux
        (issues #383, #385, #386, #387, #388, #391)
        (oss-fuzz #9099, #9100, #9105, #9106, #9111, #9112, #9119, #9123, #9170,
                  #9178, #9179, #9183, #9186, #9191, #9364, #9417, #9496, #10349,
                  #10423, #10634, #10700, #10838, #10922, #11021, #11088, #11152)
      * miscellaneous bug & build fixes (issues #381, #394, #396, #397, #400)
  • v1.0.1-rc2
    e85d3313 · update ChangeLog ·
  • v1.0.0
    698b8844 · update ChangeLog ·
    - 4/2/2018: version 1.0.0
      This is a binary compatible release.
      * lossy encoder improvements to avoid chroma shifts in various circumstances
        (issues #308, #340)
      * big-endian fixes for decode, RGBA import and WebPPictureDistortion
      Tool updates:
        gifwebp, anim_diff - default duration behavior (<= 10ms) changed to match
                             web browsers, transcoding tools (issue #379)
        img2webp, webpmux - allow options to be passed in via a file (issue #355)
  • v1.0.0-rc3
    d20b7707 · update ChangeLog ·
  • v1.0.0-rc2
    882784b0 · update ChangeLog ·
  • v1.0.0-rc1
    15aa48d9 · update ChangeLog ·
  • v0.6.1
    6b7a95fd · update ChangeLog ·
    - 11/24/2017: version 0.6.1
      This is a binary compatible release.
      * lossless performance and compression improvements + a new 'cruncher' mode
        (-m 6 -q 100)
      * ARM performance improvements with clang (15-20% w/ndk r15c, issue #339)
      * webp-js: emscripten/webassembly based javascript decoder
      * miscellaneous bug & build fixes (issue #329, #332, #343, #353, #360, #361,
      Tool updates / additions:
        added webpinfo - prints file format information (issue #330)
        gif2webp - loop behavior modified to match Chrome M63+ (crbug.com/649264);
                   '-loop_compatibility' can be used for the old behavior
  • v0.6.1-rc2
    a289d8e7 · update ChangeLog ·
  • v0.6.0
    50d1a848 · update ChangeLog ·
    - 1/26/2017: version 0.6.0
      * lossless performance and compression improvements
      * miscellaneous performance improvements (SSE2, NEON, MSA)
      * webpmux gained a -duration option allowing for frame timing modification
      * new img2webp utility allowing a sequence of images to be converted to
        animated webp
      * API changes:
        - libwebp:
        - libwebpmux / gif2webp:
          WebPAnimEncoderOptions: kmax <= 0 now disables keyframes, kmax == 1
                                  forces all keyframes. See mux.h and the gif2webp
                                  manpage for details.
  • v0.6.0-rc3
    415f3ffe · update ChangeLog ·
  • v0.6.0-rc2
    0ad3b4ef · update ChangeLog ·
  • v0.5.2
    ece9684f · update ChangeLog ·
    - 12/13/2016: version 0.5.2
      This is a binary compatible release.
      This release covers CVE-2016-8888 and CVE-2016-9085.
      * further security related hardening in the tools; fixes to
        gif2webp/AnimEncoder (issues #310, #314, #316, #322), cwebp/libwebp (issue
      * full libwebp (encoder & decoder) iOS framework; libwebpdecoder
        WebP.framework renamed to WebPDecoder.framework (issue #307)
      * CMake support for Android Studio (2.2)
      * miscellaneous build related fixes (issue #306, #313)
      * miscellaneous documentation improvements (issue #225)
      * minor lossy encoder fixes and improvements
  • v0.5.2-rc2
    ece9684f · update ChangeLog ·
  • v0.5.1
    3d97bb75 · update ChangeLog ·
    - 6/14/2016: version 0.5.1
      This is a binary compatible release.
      * miscellaneous bug fixes (issues #280, #289)
      * reverted alpha plane encoding with color cache for compatibility with
        libwebp 0.4.0->0.4.3 (issues #291, #298)
      * lossless encoding performance improvements
      * memory reduction in both lossless encoding and decoding
      * force mux output to be in the extended format (VP8X) when undefined chunks
        are present (issue #294)
      * gradle, cmake build support
      * workaround for compiler bug causing 64-bit decode failures on android
        devices using clang-3.8 in the r11c NDK
      * various WebPAnimEncoder improvements
  • v0.5.1-rc5
    c7e2d245 · update ChangeLog ·
  • v0.5.0
    37f04949 · update ChangeLog ·
    - 12/17/2015: version 0.5.0
      * miscellaneous bug & build fixes (issues #234, #258, #274, #275, #278)
      * encoder & decoder speed-ups on x86/ARM/MIPS for lossy & lossless
        - note! YUV->RGB conversion was sped-up, but the results will be slightly
          different from previous releases
      * various lossless encoder improvements
      * gif2webp improvements, -min_size option added
      * tools fully support input from stdin and output to stdout (issue #168)
      * New WebPAnimEncoder API for creating animations
      * New WebPAnimDecoder API for decoding animations
      * other API changes:
        - libwebp:
          WebPPictureSmartARGBToYUVA() (-pre 4 in cwebp)
          WebPConfig::exact (-exact in cwebp; -alpha_cleanup is now the default)
          WebPConfig::near_lossless (-near_lossless in cwebp)
          WebPFree() (free'ing webp allocated memory in other languages)
        - libwebpdemux: removed experimental fragment related fields and functions
        - libwebpmux: WebPMuxSetCanvasSize()
      * new libwebpextras library with some uncommon import functions: